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Share knowledge, experience, advice, or even a favorite quote that might help someone improve their thinking. Try your best to support what you say with illustrations or examples to help listeners make a connection. Think of it as a bite-sized mini-lesson, just one nugget of truth for others to connect with | Pro Tip: Share something from your favorite book and relate it to personal improvement so others can make a connection to their own life, in the “Real” world…it’s that simple 🙂
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Develop your philosophy
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Align with natural law or timeless principles. The truth always wins in the end. These timeless truths will help you make the daily decisions that lead to a life of fulfillment, not regret or despair. By preparing for your future opportunities in this way, you are putting yourself in the best position to realize your personal and professional potential today. Stop daydreaming and start raising your floor, strengthening your focus, and recognizing the opportunity here.
Get out of your comfort zone, strengthen your creativity and problem-solving skills to accelerate growth in key areas. Don’t take it from us; just listen to Albert Einstein, who said: We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Get connected
Get connected by sharing your email and subscribing. We will detail upcoming events and opportunities. We will share valuable information in various ways. Ready to start now? Please email me, James Finlen- | I have 20 years of experience teaching and coaching in public schools and am now dedicated to expanding this “Learning” community. Would you give me the honor of sharing your best advice with others?