MY MISSION: Help others to maximize their time preparing to capitalize on the opportunities that arise throughout their personal and professional journey. By focusing on this project driven educational service, I hope to spark the development of new entrepreneurs who can keep America free, strong, and honoring those who came before us.

Let’s Prepare to Win

It is a risky move to intentionally create adversity for yourself so that you can gain the most valuable real-life experience. My rebellious attitude as a teenager and young man led me to multiple situations where I almost lost my life. Somewhere deep down I believed that the struggle would one day become my strength. Today, I am blessed to be writing this at 45 years old, just celebrated my 15-year anniversary in Glacier National Park, successfully self-employed, thirty pounds lighter, and committed to sharing what I learned, successfully climbing out of a hole deep enough to take my life multiple times.

The Gap App Educational Service

Develop your philosophy of life to align with natural law or timeless principles. The truth always wins in the end. These timeless truths will help you make the daily decisions that lead to a life of fulfillment, not regret or despair. By preparing for your future opportunities in this way, you are putting yourself in the best position to realize your personal and professional potential today. Stop daydreaming and start raising your floor, strengthening your focus, and recognizing the opportunity here.

More on thinking differently:

20 years of teaching and coaching taught me how hard-working, talented, creative, and caring the professionals are in our classrooms. These dedicated people understand that they are fighting an uphill battle and are hungry for opportunities to improve this situation for students. Our leaders can make an immediate positive impact by providing tools to help students focus on the “lead” measures instead of the “lag” measures.

What is the difference between the two? The perfect example is…In an academic class, you are trying to earn a good grade, which will not be final for 9 weeks. The most important thing that enables you to achieve a good “lag measure/ grade” are the lead measures. What are those? Good time management, asking good questions, attention to detail, work ethic, and self-discipline. You might summarize the effort to focus on the lead measures by saying we need to put focus on “strengthening character”.

Why do leaders need tools to take a systematic approach? Peter Drucker provides the answer in The Effective Executive, “What gets measured gets managed”. The Gap App is a project based educational service that is focused on measuring those few key items.

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Feel free to text me at 843-422-4178 or email me at Use the contact form above to get a response within 2 workdays, Monday through Friday. You can also connect via social media, as shown below.