Simplify with jesus Challenge
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Challenge: Simplify with Jesus
TRANSCRIPT: Keeping things simple can be incredibly beneficial.
It leads to success by eliminating confusion, reducing friction, and emphasizing clarity.
If you are anything like me and need some guardrails to stop your mind from wandering too much, hang around, and let’s see if we can craft a good game plan for life’s most crucial area.
If you need a good example of keeping things simple to make them more successful, look at Nike’s incredibly effective slogan of “Just do it,” Kentucky Fried Chicken with their “Finger Licking Good,” or my favorite, Steve Jobs Apple campaign, “Think different.”
Keeping it simple is not just good advice in life and business; the military intentionally uses the theme in their handbook.
Then there is Occam’s Razor, which states that “the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.” Occam’s Razor has guided scientific reasoning and problem-solving for centuries.
Now that we know that keeping it simple is a highly effective strategy, let’s look at a few of life’s most crucial challenges to see how they could be applied.
How about faith? If you want to strengthen your faith and fall short like me, why don’t we focus on Jesus more closely rather than the whole bible?
According to Google, Jesus says 36,450 words out of the 783,137 in the bible. That’s about 5% of the whole book.
If we could commit to studying Jesus’s words, we would concentrate on the most essential part of the bible.
Jesus’ life is not only the most essential part; it helps us understand everything else better.
Learning about Jesus 1st would have the best chance of piquing our interest and lead us to learn more about the story.
Let’s take this challenge together.
Force yourself to prioritize concentrating on this one thing for a few minutes before the day gets too busy.
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Emergency Alert: The U.S. Surgeon General declared an “epidemic of loneliness and isolation.” Working directly with students and their families as a teacher for 20 years allowed me to see this emergency unfold and develop effective strategies to fight back. We must admit that our traditional systems need an upgrade, and we cannot wait another day because lives are at stake! If you have an idea that might do some good in the world, please get connected to the show by submitting your email, where the details will be provided. The emails you receive will come from In Service, James Finlen, Founder & CEO, School Apps Today, LLC